Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why After I Use Neutrogena acne wash my face gets dry and weird?

What do i need to do before or after i wash my face with neutrogena acne face wash??Why After I Use Neutrogena acne wash my face gets dry and weird?
Sounds like you may have sensitive skin !!! Im sure this range do a moisturiser, once you've used the acne face wash and you have dried your face completely try putting on some moisturiser (use clean hands)Why After I Use Neutrogena acne wash my face gets dry and weird?
alright i used to have acne but i took a lot of medication from a pill to all these creems and i finally got rid of it, honestly i dont think that face wash will help , you should get a perscription, but to anwer ur problem get nerogena acne lotion, it really helps. =]
you're probably alergic to it or you need to use one with oil. some of them say it doesn't have any oil and those can dry out your skin depending on the skin you have. it's not a bad thing, just get one that doesn't say it doesn't have oil.
You could try getting a new wash or you could just add a non-alcohol toner and moisturizer to it. Even if you do switch face washes, you should buy a moisturizer. It sounds like your skin is kinda dry and could use a little extra moisture. Good Luck.
you should just use proactive, it cleared my face off in 1 month!!
it gets dry because it is drying out all of the oils from your face. use it at night and some other time during the day use a moisturizer.
There's really nothing you can do. Same thing happens with me. The acids in it dry up your skin.
your skin obviously is not right for this face wash, so the answer is obvious: GET A NEW FACE WASH
The vast majority of acne products dry skin out. Thats normal.
i use neutrogena face wash too and the same thing happens to my skin. tha't's because it dries out your skin (takes all the oils out). you have to put on a moisturizer after you wash your face so it wo't get dry and flaky.
Drying out the skin helps get rid of acne. Your pores get clogged due to all the oil and dirt on your face. The thing I have to do in order not to dry out my skin so much (which in turn makes your face red... mine used to peel) is wash my face in the shower. When I get out my face is clean, but dry, so I then apply a small amount of non-fragrance moisturizer (Mary Kay ';Velocity';). I hope this helps! It did for me!
Because acne washes are intended for people with Acne, also known as painfully oily skin. If your face gets very dry afterwards the product is probably too strong for your skin.

You should look for a different product that isnt quite so tough. Another option is to moisturize afterwards. Find a high quality lotion designed for your face and apply a little bit after you wash.

Do you have acne, or do you just have a little bit of occasional pimples? There is a difference. If you have legitimate acne, then this might or might not be the product for you. You might want to visit a dermitologist to talk about it, or even talk to a pharmacist. The cool thing most people dont realize about pharmacists is that they are doctors too. Dont get the pharm tech, get the real pharmacist. They can talk to you about any medicine on the market and might be able to make a good recommendation.

If you just have a few zits here and there, you do NOT have acne. You have the occasional zit. Acne products are going to ROAST your skin instead of making it better. Look for a gentler product and use it consistantly.

Good luck!
i dont know. you might have to get a different face wash if it dries your face out
Not sure, There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

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